Intel Ether Express Card
This document describes how to use an Intel Ether Express card with the DOS and Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN.
To use an Intel Ether Express card with InvisibleLAN, you will need to install the Adapter Independent version of InvisibleLAN along with the NDIS driver from Intel.
1. Copy the EXP16.DOS file from the Intel disk to the NET30 directory.
2. Add the following three lines above the N30DEV.SYS line in the CONFIG.SYS file.
3. Add the NETBIND command after the PATH statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
4. Edit or create the PROTOCOL.INI text file in the NET30 directory. It should look exactly like the one below.
DriverName = protman$
DriverName = exp16$
interrupt = 3 (These two settings may need to be changed)
iobase = 300
DriverName = tbproto$
bindings = exp16 (This is the same as the Second section title)
5. Set the Hardware Type to NDIS in the SETUP30 program. Reboot and start the network.
Notices: Copyright 1995 by Invisible
Software, Inc. Invisible Software and InvisibleLAN are trademarks
of Invisible Software, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of
their respective holders.
This document was prepared on 03/13/95, and was believed to be
accurate as of that date. Procedures, specifications, and
compatibility may change without notice, and therefore this
document may be out-of-date and/or inapplicable to current
product versions. Invisible Software provides this document
"AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. Under no
circumstances shall this document be construed as creating or
expanding any warranty of product performance.