IRQ 5 Conflicts With HIMEM.SYS When Using Invisible LAN Disk Cache
We have determined that you can't use IRQ 5 for the network adapter if you're running HIMEM.SYS and the Invisible LAN disk cache.
Problem Description
The problem occurs when all three of the following conditions are met:
In this case, the computer crashes.
The problem occurs because HIMEM.SYS hooks the IRQ 5 interrupt vector. (The IRQ 5 interrupt vector is also the General Protection interrupt vector, which must be hooked when accessing extended memory.)
If the network adapter is set to use IRQ 5, then the Invisible LAN disk cache also hooks IRQ 5, which creates a conflict between the disk cache and HIMEM.SYS.
To solve the problem, you must do one of the following:
Notices: Copyright 1997 by Invisible
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their respective holders.
This document was prepared on 01/30/97, and was believed to be
accurate as of that date. Procedures, specifications, and
compatibility may change without notice, and therefore this
document may be out-of-date and/or inapplicable to current
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