Invisible Software

Windows 3.X INI File Settings


This document describes changes made to Windows 3.X INI files when you install Invisible LAN. The INI file changes vary depending on which version of Windows 3.X you are using.

The information in this document pertain to Invisible LAN versions 3.51 and later. (Earlier versions used similar, but not identical, INI file settings.)

Windows 3.0, 3.1, and 3.11 (from DOS Prompt)

When you set up Invisible LAN on Windows 3.0, 3.1, or 3.11, the following files are installed in your system:

The following lines are added to your WIN.INI file:

Spooler = yes

netupdate = yes
netspool = yes

The following lines are added to your SYSTEM.INI file:

network.drv = isnet.drv

network.drv = Invisible LAN (for Windows 3.0, 3.1, and 3.11)

network = *vnetbios, *dosnet
FileSysChange = off
InDOSPolling = TRUE
INT28Critical = TRUE
ReflectDosInt2A = FALSE
LPT1AutoAssign = 0
LPT2AutoAssign = 0
LPT3AutoAssign = 0
TimerCriticalSection = 1000

Windows For Workgroups 3.11 (Single-Net Configuration)

When you set up Invisible LAN on Windows For Workgroups 3.11, in single-net configuration (with Invisible LAN as the only network installed), the following files are installed in your system:

The following lines are added to your WIN.INI file:

Spooler = yes

netupdate = yes
netspool = yes

The following lines are added to your SYSTEM.INI file:

network.drv = isnet.drv

network.drv = Invisible LAN (for Windows For Workgroups 3.11)

network = *vnetbios, *dosnet, visnet.386
FileSysChange = off
InDOSPolling = TRUE
INT28Critical = TRUE
ReflectDosInt2A = FALSE
LPT1AutoAssign = 0
LPT2AutoAssign = 0
LPT3AutoAssign = 0
TimerCriticalSection = 1000

Windows For Workgroups 3.1 (Multi-Net Configuration)

When you set up Invisible LAN on Workgroups 3.1, in multi-net configuration (with both Invisible LAN and Microsoft Windows Network installed), the following files are installed in your system:

The following lines are added to your WIN.INI file:

Spooler = yes

netupdate = yes
netspool = yes

The following lines are added to your SYSTEM.INI file:

secondnet.drv = isnet.drv

secondnet = *dosnet, visnet.386
FileSysChange = off
OverlappedIO = off
InDOSPolling = FALSE
INT28Critical = TRUE
ReflectDosInt2A = FALSE
LPT1AutoAssign = 0
LPT2AutoAssign = 0
LPT3AutoAssign = 0
TimerCriticalSection = 1000
V86ModeLANAs = 0

multinet = invisible
exclude = 0

The following lines are added to your PROTOCOL.INI file:

netcard = tbmac,1,TBMAC
transport = tbproto,TBPROTO
lana0 = tbmac,1,tbproto
lana1 = tbmac,1,ms$netbeui


DriverName = TBPROTO$

DriverName = TBMAC$

(The name TBMAC appears only if you use the native TransBIOS driver. If you use a standard NDIS driver, the name of the NDIS driver will appear in place of TBMAC.)

Windows For Workgroups 3.11 (Multi-Net Configuration)

When you set up Invisible LAN on Workgroups 3.11, in multi-net configuration (with both Invisible LAN and Microsoft Windows Network installed), the following files are installed in your system:

The following lines are added to your WIN.INI file:

Spooler = yes

netupdate = yes
netspool = yes

The following lines are added to your SYSTEM.INI file:

secondnet.drv = isnet.drv

secondnet.drv = Invisible LAN

secondnet = *dosnet, visnet.386
FileSysChange = off
OverlappedIO = off
InDOSPolling = FALSE
INT28Critical = TRUE
ReflectDosInt2A = FALSE
LPT1AutoAssign = 0
LPT2AutoAssign = 0
LPT3AutoAssign = 0
TimerCriticalSection = 1000
V86ModeLANAs = 0

multinet = invisible
exclude = 0

[network drivers]
netcard = tbmac.dos
transport = ndishlp.sys, *netbeui, tbproto.dos
LoadRMDrivers = Yes

(The name tbmac.dos appears only if you use the native TransBIOS driver. If you use a standard NDIS driver, the name of the NDIS driver will appear in place of tbmac.dos.)

The following lines are added to your PROTOCOL.INI file:

netcard = tbmac,1,TBMAC,1
transport = tbproto,TBPROTO
lana0 = tbmac,1,tbproto
lana1 = tbmac,1,ms$ndishlp
lana2 = tbmac,1,ms$netbeui



DriverName = TBPROTO$

DriverName = TBMAC$

(The name TBMAC appears only if you use the native TransBIOS driver. If you use a standard NDIS driver, the name of the NDIS driver will appear in place of TBMAC.)


Notices: Copyright 1994 by Invisible Software, Inc. Invisible Software and InvisibleLAN are trademarks of Invisible Software, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

This document was prepared on 07/29/94, and was believed to be accurate as of that date. Procedures, specifications, and compatibility may change without notice, and therefore this document may be out-of-date and/or inapplicable to current product versions. Invisible Software provides this document "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. Under no circumstances shall this document be construed as creating or expanding any warranty of product performance.


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