McAfee VirsusScan for Windows 95 is Incompatible with Invisible LAN
We have determined that McAfee VirusScan for Windows 95 versions 3.0 and 3.1 are not compatible with Invisible LAN. You must uninstall the McAfee VirusScan software before installing Invisible LAN for Windows 95.
Problem Description
The problem occurs if McAfee's VSHIELD program and the Invisible LAN file server for Windows 95 are both running at the same time. Any of the following problems may occur:
The problem appears to be caused by the McAfee VSHIELD software running in background. The VSHIELD software attempts to examine every file I/O access to detect when a virus may be written to the disk. Unfortunately, this interferes with the file server's need to perform file I/O access in background.
The only known solution to this problem is to remove the McAfee VSHIELD software. If you want to completely uninstall the VirusScan software, click the Start button, then Settings, then Control Panel, then Add/Remove Programs. Alternatively, you can use the McAfee task manager to disable VSHIELD while leaving the other McAfee VirusScan programs installed.
Note that this problem only occurs when running the McAfee VSHIELD software for Windows 95 in background. There should be no problem with manually invoking McAfee's SCAN or SCAN32 programs to scan your disk for viruses.
Notices: Copyright 1997 by Invisible
Software, Inc. Invisible Software and InvisibleLAN are trademarks
of Invisible Software, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of
their respective holders.
This document was prepared on 12/01/97, and was believed to be
accurate as of that date. Procedures, specifications, and
compatibility may change without notice, and therefore this
document may be out-of-date and/or inapplicable to current
product versions. Invisible Software provides this document
"AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. Under no
circumstances shall this document be construed as creating or
expanding any warranty of product performance.