Contact Information
You can contact us at the following addresses.
Postal Address
Invisible Software is located in San Jose, California, but we do not have
a company mailbox at the present time. Please use our email
address if you need to contact us.
Sorry, but we cannot respond to requests for technical
support. The only technical support available from Invisible
Software is this archive web site.
World Wide Web Site

This is our web
site. It includes our Invisible LAN archive, which contains
answers to FAQs (frequently asked questions), product
manuals, utility programs, and software to expand or upgrade
your Invisible LAN network.
See our Site
Directory for a list of what's available on the Invisible LAN web site.
Email Address

This email address should be used to report problems with
the web site, such as broken links, missing or corrupted
files, etc. You will not be able to get answers to technical
questions via email.
When you send email to the above address, our web server sends you an
automatic reply to let you know that your mail has been received.
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