Support FAQ
Here is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from
our support department. We've put our FAQ sheets on-line for you
to read in your web browser.
General FAQ
Invisible LAN Revision
History -- A brief description of what was added,
changed, and fixed in each version of Invisible LAN software.
In the Year 2000...
-- Find out why the world won't come to an end on
January 1, 2000, and why your Invisible LAN software won't
How to Remove Invisible LAN
for Windows 95/98/Me -- Follow these instructions
if you want to remove Invisible LAN for Windows 95/98/Me from your
How to Remove Invisible LAN
for Windows 3.X -- Follow these instructions if you
want to remove Invisible LAN for Windows 3.X from your computer.
How to Remove Invisible LAN
for DOS -- Follow these instructions if you want to
remove Invisible LAN for DOS from your computer.
Windows Me FAQ
Invisible LAN for Windows
Me -- Introducing a special version of Invisible LAN
for Windows Millennium Edition.
Upgrading from Windows
95/98 to Windows Me -- Some things to keep in mind
when upgrading your computer from Windows 95/98 to Windows Me.
Upgrading from Windows 3.X
to Windows Me -- Some things to keep in mind when
upgrading your computer from Windows 3.X to Windows Me.
Upgrading from DOS to
Windows Me -- Some things to keep in mind when
upgrading your computer from DOS to Windows Me.
Windows 98 FAQ
Patch for Windows 98 Second
Edition -- This patch corrects a problem with
running Windows 98 Second Edition on some laptop computers.
Upgrading from Windows 95
to Windows 98 -- Some things to keep in mind when
upgrading your computer from Windows 95 to Windows 98.
Upgrading from Windows 3.X
to Windows 98 -- Some things to keep in mind when
upgrading your computer from Windows 3.X to Windows 98.
Upgrading from DOS to
Windows 98 -- Some things to keep in mind when
upgrading your computer from DOS to Windows 98.
Windows 98 Beta Page
-- Our experiences and observations running Invisible LAN on the
Windows 98 Betas.
Windows 95 FAQ -- Setup and
Windows 95 Install Guide
-- This guide gives you up to date and complete information on
the Windows 95 install procedure. Version 1.1 includes more
detailed information for PCMCIA users.
Establishing a Drive
Mapping with Windows 95 -- Basic methods for
establishing a drive mapping with Windows 95.
Timed Print Stream
Truncation in Windows 95 -- How to control timed
print stream truncation for DOS applications running under
Windows 95.
Windows 95 Advanced Network
Configuration Parameters -- Explains the advanced
parameters you can use to configure Invisible LAN on Windows 95.
Windows 95 FAQ -- Compatibility and
If Your Windows 95 Network
Doesn't Work -- Some things to check if Invisible
LAN isn't working.
If Windows 95 Network
Neighborhood is Empty -- Some things to check if
Windows 95 Network Neighborhood can't see any other computers in
the network.
TransBIOS Startup Problems
Under Windows 95 -- Some things to check if
TransBIOS doesn't start up properly under Windows 95.
"Licensed Number of
Users Exceeded" Error with Windows 95 -- What
to do if you get a "Licensed number of users exceeded"
error when using a network adapter manufactured by Invisible
Workaround for a Problem
with Windows 95 Persistent Drive Mapping -- If you
can't establish persistent drive mappings under Windows 95, this
workaround may help.
McAfee VirusScan for Windows
95 is Incompatible with Invisible LAN -- You must
uninstall McAfee VirusScan for Windows 95 before installing
Invisible LAN.
Network Error When
Connecting to Internet or On-Line Service with Windows 95
-- The solution to a network error that can occur with a
persistent drive mapping when connecting to the Internet or
another on-line service.
IRQ 15 May Conflict With
Video Drivers Under Windows 95 -- Recommends that
you do not use IRQ 15 for the network board on Windows 95.
DOS and Windows 3.X FAQ -- Setup and
Invisible LAN Fast Setup for
DOS and Windows 3.X -- The basic, recommended
installation for the DOS and Windows 3.X version of Invisible
Using Invisible LAN with
Windows 3.X -- Basic requirements and procedures for
using Invisible LAN with Windows 3.X.
Brief Instructions for Using
Windows 3.X Setup -- Brief instructions on how to
use the Windows 3.X Setup program to install the Invisible LAN
Tips for Setting Up Network
Applications for DOS and Windows 3.X --
General tips and hints for setting up applications on the
network, and configuring the Invisible LAN software to support
special application requirements. Applies to DOS and Windows 3.X.
Setting Up a "No EMS"
Configuration With EMM386 -- How to gain extra
memory by configuring EMM386 so it doesn't create any expanded
Setting Up an "EMS"
Configuration With EMM386 -- How to configure EMM386
to support programs that require expanded memory. Also shows how
to load the network software into EMS.
Minimizing Conventional Memory
Usage by Invisible LAN for DOS and Windows 3.X --
How to configure the DOS and Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN
to use the least amount of memory.
Ultra Server Hardware
Considerations -- Suggestions for how to choose
computer hardware to build the ultimate Ultra Server.
About Network File Handles
-- A brief explanation of file handles, and how to configure the
server and redirector so you have enough of them.
DOS and Windows 3.X FAQ --
Compatibility and Trouble-Shooting
If Your DOS or Windows 3.X
Network Doesn't Work -- Some things to check if your
Invisible LAN isn't working.
If Windows 3.X Fails to
Load -- Some things to check if Windows 3.X won't
load while Invisible LAN is running.
DOS 6.X Compatibility
-- Known compatibility issues with MS-DOS version 6.X.
QEMM and 386Max Compatibility
-- Known compatibility issues with QEMM and 386Max memory
Stacker Compatibility
(Versions 3.X and 4.0) -- Known compatibility issues
with the Stacker disk compression program.
Great Plains Software
Recommendations for DOS and Windows 3.X --
Recommendations from one of our resellers on setting up the DOS
and Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN to work with Great
Plains Software.
IRQ 5 Conflicts With
HIMEM.SYS When Using Invisible LAN Disk Cache -- You
can't use IRQ 5 for the network card if you're running HIMEM.SYS
and the Invisible LAN disk cache.
DOS and Windows 3.X FAQ -- Advanced
What Happens When You Run the
SETUP30 and NET30 Programs? -- An inside look at how
the SETUP30 and NET30 programs do the job of configuring and
starting the Invisible LAN software for DOS and Windows 3.X.
Windows 3.X INI File
Settings -- Lists the changes that are made in your
INI files when you install the Invisible LAN drivers in Windows
TCP/IP Compatibility
-- How to run TCP/IP software in conjunction with the DOS and
Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN. Explains how to use packet
drivers with Invisible LAN.
Minimum Remote Boot
Diskette -- The minimum set of files needed for a
remote boot diskette, which is used to set up a diskless
workstation with the DOS version of Invisible LAN.
Hardware FAQ
Invisible Ethernet 2000 Model
Identification -- There have been several different
models of Invisible Ethernet 2000 adapters. This FAQ sheet
describes how to tell which model you have. Also includes links
for downloading instruction manuals and setup software.
Invisible Ethernet 1000 Model
Identification -- There have been several different
models of Invisible Ethernet 1000 adapters. This FAQ sheet
describes how to tell which model you have. Also includes links
for downloading instruction manuals.
Intel Ether Express Card
-- How to use the Intel Ether Express card with the DOS and
Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN. Also a good example of
using an NDIS driver.
Linksys Ether16 LAN Card
-- How to use the Linksys Ether16 LAN card with the DOS and
Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN.
Using an NDIS Driver with
Invisible LAN for DOS and Windows 3.X -- How to set
up the NDIS option, which lets you use any network card that has
an NDIS driver. Pertains to the DOS and Windows 3.X version of
Invisible LAN.
Realtek 8029-Based PCI Ethernet
Card -- How to use a Realtek 8029-based PCI Ethernet
card with the DOS and Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN.
Realtek 8029 PCI Ethernet
With Windows 95 -- How to use a Realtek 8029-based
PCI Ethernet card with the Windows 95 version of Invisible LAN.
Plug-and-Play NE-2000
Compatible ISA Ethernet Card -- How to use a
plug-and-play NE-2000 compatible ISA Ethernet card with the DOS
and Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN.
Error 3084 When Using DEC
21140-Based PCI Ethernet -- What to do if you get a
"3084" error message when running Adapter Independent
Invisible LAN for DOS and Window 3.X, using a DEC 21140-based PCI
Ethernet card.
PCMCIA Adapter
Trouble-Shooting -- Some suggestions if you are
having trouble getting an Invisible Ethernet PCMCIA adapter to
work with the DOS and Windows 3.X version of Invisible LAN.
PCMCIA (PC-Card) Ethernet
Adapter in Windows 95 -- Some suggestions if you are
having trouble getting a PCMCIA (also called PC-Card) Ethernet
adapter to work with Windows 95.
Model 200/300 Cable
Specifications -- Information on how to build
network cables for the old Model 200 and Model 300 Invisible
Network adapters.
Also, be
sure to check out the files in our Utilities
and Patches section,
and take a look at our On-Line
Manual section.
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Home Page.